
Working with Corrosives in Manufacturing - Course Details

Course intro:

This working with corrosive training course for manufacturing, is designed to provide participants with the appropriate information on the hazards and dangers of working with corrosives and how to react in the correct manner should an accident occur.


Courses can be changed to suit your local requirement. Shorter toolbox course can be designed depending on requirement


Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • Your role when handling chemicals
  • Role of Emergency Response Team (If applicable)
  • First Aid and Response (Diphoterine Use)
  • Review of Chemical classifications and hazard labelling
  • Spill activation procedures and response priorities
  • SDS review and Hazard identification
  • Review of Personal Protective Equipment and clean-up materials
  • Hands-on familiarisation with equipment (Where applicable)
  • Review of simple chemical identification tests
  • Practical chemical identification exercise


Who is the course intended for:

This course will be beneficial to management, supervisors and employees who use chemicals as part of their daily working life. These people need to be aware of the correct safe procedure to react to an emergency around corrosives.


Entry requirements

Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.