
Nitrogen Awareness Training - Course Details

Course intro:

This Nitrogen Awareness Training, will provide an awareness and understanding and identify the control measures required for safe working with liquid nitrogen. You will know the requirements for storage and transport of liquid nitrogen. Identify correct personal protective equipment to use when handling liquid nitrogen.


Course content

  • Discuss relevant statutory legislation and its requirements
  • Properties of liquid nitrogen
  • Treatment of cold burns
  • Essential personal protective equipment
  • Expansion rate of liquid to gas
  • The hazards of asphyxia
  • Hazards posed by pressure
  • How to calculate oxygen depletion
  • Cryogenic vessel design and operation
  • Safe storage of cryogenic vessels
  • Safe handling of cryogenic vessels
  • Safe decanting of liquid nitrogen
  • Inspections and Practical Assessment



Intended audience

This course may be beneficial to those persons who work with Nitrogen


Entry requirements

Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.