
Fire Safety in Healthcare - Course Details

This Fire Safety Essentials training course is a half day course, designed to familiarise employees with fire safety procedures, so that should a fire break out, they will know how to deal with the situation calmly and safely. Theoretical tuition is reinforced with hands-on firefighting experience. Hazards adn Risks are assessed during the courses including phased evacuation and an all out evacuation. Hazards like, crash mats, bed rails, ability of residents (P.E.E.P Assessments), doors, exit seeking residents etc are integrated into the course.
Courses include a practical demonstration, with delegates given the opportunity to extinguish controlled fires with a range of extinguishers. Local Policy’s will be embedded in all courses.


Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives- HIQA Fire Guidance Document for Care settings
  • The importance of keeping fire-doors closed (or closing them) to prevent the spread of fire, heat and smoke
  • What to do on discovering a fire?
  • How to raise the alarm and what happens then?
  • How to read the fire detection and alarm system panel?
  • What to do upon hearing the fire alarm?
  • The procedures for alerting other staff, residents and visitors including, where appropriate, directing them to exits
  • The arrangements for calling the fire and rescue service
  • The identification and use of protected areas for phased evacuation
  • The evacuation procedures for everyone in the centre to reach an assembly point at a place of total safety, in particular the role of residents
  •  The evacuation procedures for residents who require assisted escape, to reach an assembly point at a safe place
  •  How to assess the needs of a resident in the event of an evacuation?
  • Resident handling where staff are required to assist in the evacuation of residents and training in the use of any evacuation aids if required
  • The location, selection and practical instruction in the use of firefighting equipment
  • The location of escape routes, especially those not in regular use
  • How to open all emergency exit doors
  • Where appropriate, how to stop machines, appliances and processes and isolate power supplies in the event of a fire
  • The reason for not using lifts (except those specifically installed or nominated, following a suitable fire risk assessment, for the evacuation of people with a disability)
  •  How to reduce risk when working with or storing highly flammable and explosive substances and bottled or piped oxygen?
  • The importance of general fire safety, which includes good housekeeping
  • Fire drills, with and without residents’ involvement
  • Procedures to be followed should the clothes of a resident catch fire
  • Fire extinguisher use
  • P.E.E..P Assessments


Who is the course intended for:

This Fire Safety in healthcare training course must be completed each year by Healthcare staff. It will be beneficial to all working in care and prepare them for unexpected emergencies, of a fire at work. Staff can then transition on to the Fire Marshall course which is specific to Healthcare settings


Related courses:

First Aid Fundamentals

People Moving and Handling

CPR & AED for Healthcare