
Fire Marshall in Healthcare - Course Details

This Fire Marshall training course is a half day course, designed to familiarise healthcare staff with fire safety procedures, so that should a fire break out, they will know how to deal with the situation calmly and safely. Theoretical tuition is reinforced with hands-on firefighting experience.
Courses include a practical demonstration, with delegates given the opportunity to extinguish controlled fires with a range of extinguishers. Local Policy’s will be embedded in all courses.



Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives- HIQA Fire Guidance Document for Care settings

The course will also focus on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP), record keeping, fire drills etc. We promote the culture of prevention rather than cure.

  • The practical section includes evacuating a building, discharging fire extinguishers and how to use a fire blanket (Please note, a real fire is not used in the practical).
  • Fire Prevention and Management and direction`s to staff in the event of a fire
  • Fire Warden Duties
  • Mechanics and behaviour of fire
  • Evacuation Procedures
  • How to use fire blankets and fire extinguishers
  • Practical Drill


Who is the course intended for:

This Fire Marshall training course will be required for all Healthcare staff who are assuming the position of Fire Marshall in the event of a fire.


Related courses:

First Aid Fundamentals

People Moving and Handling

CPR & AED for Healthcare