
Breathing Apparatus Training - Course Details

Course intro:

Breathing apparatus training is essential for individuals who may be required to use respiratory protection equipment in various occupational settings. This training is designed to ensure that individuals understand how to use breathing apparatus safely and effectively in environments where the air is potentially hazardous or lacking in oxygen. Here are some key aspects typically covered in breathing apparatus training:

In accordance with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act regulations, a person should not carry out work in confined spaces unless is trained, competent & authorised to do so in a safely manner.

If the work must be carried out hazard identification and risk assessment must be carried out prior to the work commencing.

Please note this programme is mainly delivered onsite as customised in-house training.


Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • Definition & Regulations
  • Understanding Respiratory Hazards
  • Types of Breathing Apparatus
  • Proper selection of the appropriate respiratory protection
  • Correct procedures for putting on (donning) and taking off (doffing) the breathing apparatus
  • Proper Fit and Seal Checks
  • Communication and Coordination
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Maintenance and Storage
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Practical exercises and drills to simulate real-world scenarios
  • Q&A


Intended audience

This Breathing Apparatus training programme may be beneficial to all workers, supervisors or managers who are involved with or exposed to confined spaces or others work areas where a BA is required following Risk Assessment.


Entry requirements

Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.