
Face Fit Testing

Employers have a duty to provide face fit testing for their employees where there is an inhalation risk. Face fit testing is a method for checking that a tight-fitting facepiece matches the person’s facial features and seals adequately to the wearer’s face. These tests can be for industry or healthcare environments.

A face fit test is designed to ensure that any respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is providing proper protection to the wearer. Compliance Health and Safety provide face fit testing.

The training is specific to each delegate and includes:

  • How to check the mask is working properly before use
  • How to identify worn or broken parts
  • How to check the mask still fits
  • Limitations of the mask to be used


When a mask fit for the job has been chosen, we will run through a series of short tests. These are designed to demonstrate that the mask gives protection and fits the wearer’s face.The tests are easy to perform, and the effectiveness is judged on a taste test. ComplyPro can complete both generic and site-specific risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work on your behalf. Give us a call or email us for a very competitive quote. Call us now for more information or advice on 085 1419315 or email us via via