
DSE/Ergonomic Assessment’s

ComplyPro offers an ergonomics service that prioritizes the safety and health of your employees by designing workstations that are ergonomically sound. Our experts work with you to identify potential ergonomic risks and develop customized solutions that reduce those risks, such as designing ergonomic workstations, providing employee training, and implementing ergonomic policies and procedures. By prioritizing ergonomics in the workplace, you can improve employee well-being, productivity, and morale, while also reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. 

Assessments can be in-house or online as our working environment has changed.

Improve workplace comfort and productivity and proactively reduce the risk of future muscular skeletal issues with our Ergonomics service.

ComplyPro can complete both generic and site-specific risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work on your behalf. Give us a call or email us for a very competitive quote. Call us now for more information or advice on 085 1419315 or email us via