Conflict Resolution and Dignity at Work

Conflict Resolution and Dignity at Work - Course Details

This course can be adapted to suit your requirement and time constraints


Course Brief

This Conflict Resolution and Dignity at Work training, is designed for all staff to help gain an understanding of what is acceptable behaviour and what is not acceptable behaviour in the workplace, the language we use and the reply’s we give.  It also covers, how we strive to maintain a safe, positive and productive work environment for all.


Course Content

  • Housekeeping and Objective setting
  • What is Dignity at Work and company policy?
  • Review of the law and how it effects our responses and actions
  • What is Acceptable Behaviour in a Changing Environment
  • How conflict starts?
  • Effects of Non Acceptable Behaviour for Employees and External Stakeholders
  • Staff and Management Obligations
  • Disciplinary & Grievance – Brief Review of Steps & Reporting Structure
  • Duty of Care for all including bullying and harassment
  • Language, Verbal & Physical Interactions
  • Evaluating your Behaviour and the Consequences of such Behaviour
  • Managing Conflict & Difficult Conversations
  • Promoting a Positive Working Environment


Entry requirements

Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.


This course can tailored for your industry and your staff`s requirement`s